Daily Bible Verse

23 June 2008

I Blame The Gangsters

I, quite frequently, misplace things, and consider them lost or stolen forever. Normally after a day or two of looking, or even actually taking the time to move things (a special trick my mom taught me for when I couldn't find something) I usually find the lost item, and, if need be, apologize to the person I blamed for losing it.

Now, almost a week since the last time I saw my iPod, I am convinced that it is just a memory of mine now. And I blame gangsters. I'm not too sure what happened to it, but I would like to take this time to remember the good times we had.

Today I salute you, black, 30gb video iPod. We had some good times together, I'll never forget:
-when i got you at a discounted rate for buying a macbook. You were cheap, but you were good.
-when I plugged you in at the Loft to listen to my favorite tunes while I worked
-listening to you while I worked out, or rode my bike to class. The Karate Kid theme song never sounded so great
-the various plane and car rides we went on, where you entertained me for hours, or soothed me to sleep. We went to North Carolina, Chicago, back to Texas, then we drove to Chicago from Texas, and flew back to Texas.
-the time I put the cool Jesus mailing tape on your back
-when I blasted country music from our garage while hanging out in the yard with friends. You never forgot your roots.
-and many, many more.

Goodbye iPod. Not that you're going to be easy to replace, but I hope I can move on someday.


1 comment:

kmr said...


Not that you lost your iPod, but this post about it.

I've currently lost mine. I haven't tried the moving stuff trick yet. I am still on the "I'm gonna notice it soon" trick. Last time I had it in hand I was practically falling asleep as I walked. Which means it could be anywhere really weird..